app main

How to use the app

When starting the app, the main activity gives you many choices:

Official journal

Gives you access to all the official gazettes from 1962 to now days accessed by the year and the number of the wanted journal.
The year 1962.1 to access the first twenty (20) journals published by the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic (GPRA).
The year 1962.2 to access the eleven (11) published journals after the count was reset to 1 in October 1962.
The Arabic version was first released in the mid of 1964, before this date the only version available was the french one.

The constituion

gives you access to all the journals where a constitution have been published after adoption of a new one or amendement of an existing one.

Civil Service Regulations:

To access the General Civil Service Regulations law.


To access the different codes :
  • The Civil Code.
  • Civil and Administrative Procedure Code.
  • Trade and Industrial Code
  • Family Code.
  • Nationality Code.
  • Criminal Code.
  • Criminal Procedures Code.
  • Prisons Organization and Social Reintegration of Detainees Code.
  • Military justice Code.
  • Military Retirement Pensions Code.
  • Electoral Code.
  • Local Authorities Code.
  • Public Procurement Code.
  • The Information Code.
  • Side Menu

    A sliding menu is available in all the activities:
  • Share: To share the app with your friends and contacts.
  • Rate the app: To rate the app in the Google App Store.
  • Feedback: Your suggestions or comments are welcome.
  • Like app's page: To access the app's Facebook page. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
  • Update: To check for updates and get the recently published journals.
  • Help: show this page.
  • Privacy: Access the privacy policy page of the app.
  • About: some information about the app.
  • Language menu

    this menu is available when needed in some activities, and it's located at the top right corner. It's sole function is to let the user switch between the french and Arabic versions of the wanted text and have access to the text in all the languages in which it is published and these regardless of the language of your device.